Release date for Stories of Hope

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This is a must have e-book, full of wonderful stories written by amazing writers

( I do have a story in there somewhere but not sure I would say I am an amazing writer but I am very humbled to have a story included)

I hope all of you across the world support the release of this book with all proceeds going to WWF Australian Wildlife and Nature recovery fund, and the Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund.

Thank you!


Fungus tree.jpg


A tangled chaos

A hodgepodge of debris

Left behind after the demolition

How can I measure the length of your piece of string

When will you finally show me the end

When can I breathe without difficulty

Publication date!


Wombat boy August 2019.jpgMy inspiration -Otis paul

News Flash – publication date of my children’s book …… is……. 30th October 2019!!!!!!
More news to come.
A HUGE ‘thank you’ to all the amazing people who have given their support to this and a special ‘Thank you’ to Austin Macauley publishers for believing in my book.🥳
A big Hug to my wonderful grandson Otis who inspired me to write the book and inspires me everytime I see him XXX

Forgotten in the folds of time

Old homestead 2018

Regeneration after the decline


Compliant figures leave dissatisfied

intimate voices receding

Into silence

as the rust attracts power


Containment was impossible whilst greed

controlled the minds

of constitutional beliefs


The burning

like a candle at both ends

arranged no compromise


Extermination continued

with an inevitable consequence


Be Brave

bee on magnolia

Native bee on a Magnolia



without direction


Feeling distant with a surrounding barrier

invisible to those that cross



without control

knocked out

for surrender

to the passion

that leads to destruction


Guilty of mistakes

that lead to fateful fears and tears


Dreams shattered


Lives  connected

with soulful messages

to the collective


When the views of the population change the views of management change

Systems will change

Agreements can be made

Be brave


Biting off more than you can chew


The distinct smell of rainfall on parched ground

Delivers a sensory impression of spring blossom


The voices of summer

Contradict the slight coolness of a soft breeze

Raising the issue of  illusion

Of the magician

That you were


Taking it too far

‘Biting off more than you could chew’

Consuming all

Until all that was left was the mortuary

Of your soul


migrantaccom hostel.jpg

1961 migrant hostel – archival photo. This was what we lived in when we first arrived in Australia as migrants from England – not the happiest of times – I was 3 years old.
Coddiwomple (v.) Origin: English Slang Word. Definition: To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.


The communion of words

 were not political reasoning –

Stilted conversation behind open doors

inappropriately described

The land of the White

girt by sea

The parental necessity to get away from their homeland

overtaking  family considerations

and childhood fears

that have now lingered for years

Borrowed cultures

intertwined with superficial knowledge

Believers of so called truths

with hidden agendas

lurking within governmental control

watching and waiting for a non existent revolution