In a realm of mystic wonders

where dreams take flight

a tapestry woven with magic

creates a whispering breeze

echoing ancient stories

where fae folk dwell

The soft illumination

through emerald forests

guiding lost souls

towards eternal light

across a bed of roses

In a meadow

of every shape and colour

an ethereal tune delves

into untapped dreams

sending reality of existance

above rivers

appearing like mirrored paths

Reflections of entwined lovers

bring to mind

what was left behind

but may yet still be

to come

Past and Present

Under the canopy of darkness

through the doorway to oblivion

desire takes hold

a desire to tear away the exterior

beyond the emotional intent

An unknown feeling of burning pain

enters the body

through over reached sensory organs

creating the oneness of being possessed

A profound significance

like blood needing oxygen

takes hold bringing forth a light within

and a burden carried for years

Releasing the past

to enjoy the future

comes with a price